Apologies for the delay; we’ve got lots of new stuff coming online at Resistbot. GPT-powered letters are soft-launched (use the COPILOT
keyword to try it), and new premium accounts should be out before the week’s end. Here are the top trending campaigns over the past seven days.
1️⃣ Preserve Social Security and Medicaid, not GOP Tax Cuts
The latest out of the Republican Study Committee is a budget that cuts Social Security and Medicaid and explodes the budget deficit. Supposed concern over deficits by House Republicans brought the country to the brink of default only four weeks ago. And during the most recent State of the Union address, President Biden was heckled and called a liar when he spoke of GOP plans to do exactly what they now want to do. “Folks – as we all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare is off the books now, right? They’re not to be touched. We’ve got unanimity!” The Republicans clapped in response with their Democratic colleagues. No matter. The RSC released a plan that sacrifices seniors' benefits to keep tax cuts in place for corporations and the wealthy, continuing on their path of increasing the deficit, bemoaning it, and then using a fiscal situation they created as an excuse to cut government services needed by most of the country. It’s socialism for the rich, and pick yourselves up by your bootstraps capitalism for the poor, as Robert Reich often says.
2️⃣ Pass the Equality Act
Discriminating against people based on sexual orientation is still allowed by the letter of U.S. civil rights law regarding education, federal funding, employment, housing, credit, and the jury system. The Equality Act would repair federal law to protect people based on their gender identity, in addition to religion, race, and ethnicity. This would be similar to a bill passed by Pennsylvania last month.
3️⃣ Pass the Railway Safety Act
Senators Sherrod Brown and J.D. Vance introduced the Railway Safety Act in response to the East Palestine disaster. The bill would enhance safety procedures for trains carrying hazardous materials, increase rail car inspections, reduce the risk of wheel bearing failures, require well-trained two-person crews aboard every train, force rail carriers to face heightened fines for wrongdoing, and fund community response and safety improvements. J.D. Vance, however, has since weakened the bill in response to industry lobbyists, allowing the same types of chemical cars that leaked in East Palestine to continue running until 2028. The IAM and IBEW back the bill.
Others gaining steam: Transgender Service Members Oppose FY24 Appropriations Bill, Support the Judicial Ethics and Anti-Corruption Act, Designate Belarus for Temporary Protected Status, Support the Food and Farm Act, Exempt Strippers from Calif. AB 5, Stop Ohio HB 65
P.S. Resistbot needs members to stay online. Please consider becoming one, especially if you use the bot often! Resistbot is a civic utility that we work to keep free to give a voice to people in a system already rigged to favor the voices of corporations people with a lot of time, money, or both, but we need folks who can chip in. Thanks!